Living My Best, Most Authentic, & Magical Life.
Exploring the World and Embracing the Gifts As I Heal from Trauma and Chronic Illness...
One Day, One Bite, and One Unforgettable Moment at a Time.
Rachel Sarah
Writer | | Multimedia Storyteller |
Speaker | Chronic Lyme Disease and PTSD Survivor

*Coming Soon

About Rachel Sarah
Born and raised in the Midwest, I was drawn to the big skies, rivers, and wide open expanses of the American West. After college, I worked as a National Park Ranger, commercial river guide and wilderness instructor throughout the American West and along both the Canadian and Mexican Borders.
For the past 25 years I've spent time every year exploring the world on a shoestring budget with my travel partner-in-crime, Karen Custer Thurston as well as my husband.
I've been a lifelong explorer and adventurer until I came down with a mysterious constellation of symptoms around 17 years ago. During my darkest times, I nearly lost my life twice to these two illnesses...Advanced Neurological Lyme Disease and Mold Illness (CIRS).
One of the greatest gifts which has come from this illness has been the appreciation of every precious day on this Earth. It's my mission to live my best possible, authentic life...
no matter the challenges.
Through my writing, photography, and public speaking, I hope to be an advocate for others who are struggling with chronic, invisible illnesses and who don't have voices of their own.
There is hope. We each have the potential to be ALCHEMISTS IN OUR LIVES. To transform trauma, pain, and challenge into BEAUTIFUL GIFTS which have the potential to DEEPEN THE LOVE IN OUR RELATIONSHIPS and LIVE EACH DAY WITH GRATITUDE. Even through our darkest times, there is always life.
With every day, we can make a choice to create a MAGICAL LIFE for ourselves.

Rachel Sarah
Are you yearning to live a more fulfilled, expansive life? Are you or a loved one suffering from trauma and/or a chronic illness?
Join me on my a healing journey as I share uplifting inspiration for your best, most authentic life no matter the challenges you might be facing!
Many of my newsletters have become published in national magazines and award-winning publications.
I will be sending out inspiring, uplifting stories every 2-4 months.

"Rachel's enthusiasm is INFECTIOUS!"
"The world needs more of Rachel's AUTHENTICITY!"
"It is so important for people to understand the cost that those
with chronic illness must pay to lead their "normal" lives.
[Thanks to her writing] Rachel is a light,
an inspiration, and a courageous woman!"
"The stories that Rachel and [her mother and travel partner] Karen shared inspire me to dig in on how to carve out more space with my daughters and mother. It is obvious how taking these moments deepens bonds between people and eventually lends itself to deeper understanding worldwide."
"When I think of our most entertaining and loved guides over the last years at SBACO, Rachel has to be at the top of the list. If you have ever
had the good fortune to go on trip led by Rachel,
you know just how entertaining and lovable she is."
"Rachel is truly a BRIGHT LIGHT!"
"Rachel and her energy are INTOXICATING!"
Photo Credits:
Photo 1: P. Cabugos
Photo 2: Rachel Sarah Thurston
Photo 3: Rachel Sarah Thurston
Photo 4: Unsplash, Hermes Rivera
Photo 5: Rachel Sarah Thurston